Jess’s Popular Programs
Conversations That Matter
Jess’s Popular Programs
Conversations That Matter
The “Safe Different” You Are Looking For

Structured Keynotes & Programs Customized In Real Time
Welcome to the “safe different” of Jess Pettitt.
With nearly 20 years of presenting, consulting, and facilitating in the DEI space, Jess knows exactly how to make your event memorable, unique, and perfectly suited to the tastes, culture, and professional nuances of your organization or event.
Jess will tie your whole event together as your closer, get folks excited to apply their learning, and block out next year’s date to return. Her key objectives are to energize and inspire your audience “to do the best they can with what they’ve got some of the time” and to leave ’em talking about your event for weeks.
Change for good
Jess’s custom and current keynotes create a powerful connection with and between your participants by addressing their hardships and biggest frustrations and tending to their personal soft spots and learning edges through humor, powerful stories, and speaking to their real-time concerns. Best of all, Jess delivers immediately implementable action steps that lead to meaningful, positive change well after the doors close.
Tailored to your people and your event

Whatever your title, these are important skills you don’t want to clock out of when you are no longer at work—because I could bump into you at the grocery store. The version of you that is unfollowing people but not unfriending them, the version that is putting the grocery cart sorta close back but not all the way back—that’s the person who needs to be paying attention today because you get to choose who and how you’re going to be in the world.
— Jess Pettitt
Feel even safer with Jess as your emcee!
Jess’s Most Popular Keynote Programs
Conversations That Matter: Better Connections Keynote
What if you could engage in these conversations with more confidence, humor, and ease? What if you could let go of someone has to win and someone has to lose or someone has to be right and someone has to be wrong? You can! Because no matter the person or topic, you are your best tool for conversations that matter.
Understanding yourself and others as differently right gives you the tools to intentionally design teams, groups, and partnerships that can bring value to a single project or your entire organization.
Learning Outcomes:
Participants will learn:
- A three-part framework for taking responsibility for who and how they show up
- Develop skills for a significant and powerful (and free) method to change culture around difficult topics and see other’s as differently right.
- The powerful skills that change culturearound difficult topics and challenging people
- How to see others as differently right
Good Enough Now Keynote
The truth is that all of these are available to us in this present moment, right where we are. And by being our authentic selves, we can immediately improve our companies, relationships, and communities.
This is Jess’s signature breakthrough message—an innovative, practical guide to ridding ourselves of self-doubt, self-limiting beliefs, and habitual excuses so that we can do “the best we can with what we have some of the time” and be the best versions of ourselves right here, right now. Yes, even you back there in the corner—I see you.

Participants will learn:
- The importance of being true to their authentic self
- How to develop momentum based on their strengths
- The three-part model to build on empathy and giving grace
- How to recognize their own personal patterns and see them in others so they can leave room for edits in the stories they tell themselves about other people.
Questions About One Of Jess’s Programs?

Why Diversity Initiatives Fail Keynote
That’s because doing something and failing (or even doing nothing) is still a response. As long as you acknowledge what you’re doing (or not doing) and don’t hide from it, as long as you stop trying to win and focus on doing better, you will keep learning and growing as a company, and your responses will mean more and more to your people and to your public.
If your Diversity initiatives aren’t sticking, then you’re stuck in an old pattern. The only way out is disruption. So let’s do some disrupting and create change for good!
In this talk, Jess help will help your people navigate this new and unfamiliar terrain and show them how any sincere and honest response can lead to your most inclusive culture.
Learning Outcomes:
Participants will learn how to:
- Successfully disrupt the normalized status quo for good
- Remove excuses, learn from failed attempts, and get back to work
- Motivate and inspire employees to act as participants in their own change